Baron Verdi Update 2007
Baron Verdi Update

Verdi and Jim Koford at the Paxton Farm CDI, 2007. |
As amazing to us as Baron’s accomplishments were in
2006, we looked forward to this season with considerable trepidation,
based on what we knew and had observed of the FEI Six Year-Old
Young Dressage Horse test and series of competitions. At the
end of the Five Year-Old finals last year, the three judge
panel was so complimentary of Baron and so earnestly encouraged
us publicly to prepare him for this year’s test, that
we decided to let it go forward and later pull the plug if
at some point it wasn’t going well.
Distance and other activities prevented us from monitoring
his training most of the winter. At the Paxton CDI we did
watch him perform well at Second Level (Second test 1 -68.42%,
Second test 4 - 65.23% and 65.00%), but after doing okay in
the first YDH test with a 7.12, the next day he was resistant
and scored poorly. In retrospect we should have done as we
planned at that point, but were persuaded that he had a sore
back that day. At the regional qualifier, the Raleigh CDI,
he again won the warm-up test with a 7.52, but the second
day we were quite distressed to watch him “just say
no” and decided enough was enough.
Home he came, bred some mares, and has been very quietly
and slowly coming back into proper work ethic. He actually
loves to jump out in the open and goes eagerly to all the
obstacles on our farm for fun and relaxation. We are kind
of ashamed of ourselves for making him do the YDH six year
old program at all. He is paying the price and it is our fault.

Verd's son Hermann, shown here at age two months. |
Meanwhile his breeding career is “lookin’ GOOD,”
as the saying goes. His foals are all turning out very nicely,
as we have previously reported. For fun, and to give Baron
something to be proud of, we exhibited his five-month-old
son Hermann (out of Havelle by Windfall) at the recent ATA
mare inspection we held here on our farm and the chairman
of the Inspection Committee, Brad Kerbs, scored him 9/9/9,
which appears to be the best Trakehner foal score given so
far in 2007.
Baron Verdi Update
| Windfall | Halimey | Songline | About
For Sale |
Amethyst | Trakehners
| Odds n Ends | Credits
and Cheryl Holekamp
New Spring Farm
7901 Highway 63 South
Columbia, MO 65201
Sales horses:
Breeding to Windfall: